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Beachcomber Hot Tubs
Since 1978, we have manufactured the world’s most comfortable quality hot tubs and built a track record that makes our store the leader in every market we enter. Align yourself with an internationally respected brand with a strong track record. Whether you pass on your business to family members or are looking to build value to eventually sell your business, being connected with Beachcomber will net you a higher return on your investment.

The Beachcomber Hot Tubs Brand Integrity
We believe in the integrity of delivering a quality hot tub that we take pride in and that customers are proud to own. We don’t cut corners and we are known for our zero defect approach in the quality control of our hot tub manufacturing process. We have customers who have had their hot tubs for over 30 years and counting. Beachcomber is a brand that is built to last. We also place importance on the integrity of the local stores that represent the Beachcomber Brand. We carefully choose to align ourselves with individuals who share our values.
From the initial inquiry to the final sale, all the way to after-sales service and support - we are also committed to taking care of our customers. We invest in the relationship with our customers through our local stores. In fact, 98.4% of our customers surveyed would recommend a Beachcomber Hot Tub to their family and friends.

Beachcomber Are The Hot Water Specialists
As one of the founding pioneers in the industry, hot tubs have been our core business since 1978 and they continue to be our specialty to this day. Over the years, through research & development, listening to our customers, we know what works, and what doesn’t work. We know what we're doing. With this information, we have developed world class programs and systems that you can implement in your existing store that will help ensure your success.
Entering into this young industry with a well-established brand name with a solid track record like Beachcomber Hot Tubs will build your sales volume, customer base, profits and the overall value of your business. We can help business people that are coachable, financially stable and have a desire to learn, grow and succeed. Building a business to sell is a key part of business today. As an independent business, you have the opportunity to invite the right brands into your store. Beachcomber can be the right partner for you.
An Untapped Growing Market
An industry that is desired and needed, now more than ever.
In this day and age, the demands of life are increasing with higher expectations, new technology to adapt to, a faster pace of life and more. The home today is an oasis from the world. Having a Beachcomber Hot Tub at home is like having a private outdoor domain – POD, as we like to call it. It enables one to relax and unwind from pressures of the day with friends, family and loved ones and improve one’s health with its hydrotherapeutic massage. Our customers have shared that they turn to their Beachcombers for stress relief, health benefits, family time, romantic interludes and even a vacation at home.
The hot tub has now become a need for many. A Beachcomber Hot Tub is not only a great way to spend quality time with family and friends and unwind after a long day, studies have shown it also offers a number of mental and physical health benefits that can do wonders for improving the overall quality of life. With only about 3% of people owning a hot tub, you can get in on the ground floor with a highly desired quality product to meet those needs. Business owners looking for opportunities to grow can see that the market potential for this new outdoor home appliance is massive and largely untapped.
We don’t believe in ‘selling’ in the traditional sense.
No one wants to be sold something. But when you have product that wonderfully meets an intrinsic need, the need to escape and relieve stress, connect with loved ones, and improve health, the product does not have to be ‘sold’. It sells itself.
Guaranteed Beachcomber success in 2 years. Or we will buy back your investment.
Guarantees are important to us; not only with the products we make, but in the businesses we build. We know what needs to be done to be successful in this business. We are so sure of it, that we offer you a two-year buy back Guarantee. There’s little to no risk with Beachcomber Hot Tubs. Add Beachcomber to your existing store, and follow our proven methods and systems, and you will see why we are so confident and able to make this amazing offer.

Minimize risk. Your initial inventory is on us.
A well-stocked showroom with walls of hot tubs generates more sales. We finance 100% of your Beachcomber retail showroom hot tub display models. We recognize that for most retail stores just starting out, carrying inventory can be difficult for cash flow. This will not be a problem with exclusive Beachcomber dealership stores. When you work with Beachcomber Hot Tubs, we will offer you with financial services and backing that offers the security and flexibility you need for your business.

Increase your store’s retail traffic and improve your cash flow. Add a proven profit center to your business. Cross market to your existing customer base, as well as bring in new customers who will purchase other categories in your store. Earn more profit per square foot with Beachcomber Hot Tubs, Beachcomber Plus branded accessories and water care.
Cross market to your existing customer base.
Bring in new customers who will purchase other products in the store.
Earn more profit per square foot with Beachcomber Hot Tubs, Beachcomber Plus branded accessories and water care.
Beachcomber Provides Powerful Technology Platforms
We’ve spent four decades fine tuning our business model across North America. From training and operations, to marketing, our proven systems will serve as the right foundation for your success as a hot tub retailer. As a Beachcomber authorized dealership, you get the benefits of our experience, tools and methods that we have proven work in markets around the world. With a turnkey business model that you can implement in your store, hot tubs are an easy product to market and sell.
Here’s what you will get as an authorized dealership:
1Training of complete customer journey process
Our Specialists in Entrepreneurial Education (SEE) will show you what tools and methods to use to dominate your local market and upgrade your cash flow.
2EMC Capital for your financing needs
Our stable and trustworthy partner, EMC Capital, supports our Beachcomber stores to support 100% of your Beachcomber stock.
3BANC: Dealership Resource Portal
Download assets like collaterals, ads, and more. Manage and receive updates about all related Beachcomber Hot Tubs materials online.
4HILDA Hot Tub Ordering Site
Hot tub catalogue ordering site and order tracking.
5Beachcomber PLUS After-Market Ordering Site
Water Care, Hot Tub Covers, Genuine Parts, Accessories, and Support products ordering site.
6Hottubology Learning Site
Learn all about Beachcomber Hot Tubs and Beachcomber Plus, its benefits, features and parts, and more.
Customized to your needs as an individual dealership
We understand the unique needs of hot tub dealerships. That’s why we avoid one-size-fits-all solutions and work with you on education and training with flexible programs designed to fit your specific marketplace, needs, and scale of operations.
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