How to maintain my hot tub water

How often should I change my Microfilter?
Your Microfilter should be rinsed once a week. Depending on how often you use your hot tub, and how many people are using it, you may want to rinse more often. If you are enjoying your hot tub more than three times a week, you can rinse twice a week. ...
Do you recommend Salt/Chlorine Generators on hot tubs?
Salt is corrosive to the mechanical seals in the pumps and the heater element of hot tubs so we do not recommend salt for your hot tub. Also, salt/chlorine generators are utilized to generate chlorine automatically and are not typically recommended for...
Do you recommend the use of Hydrogen Peroxide in hot tubs?
No, Hydrogen Peroxide is a weak oxidizer with no residual capacity and loses efficacy in water with higher temperatures. It is unstable in solutions over 29% and Health Canada does not recognize or approve Hydrogen Peroxide as a sanitizer. It is considered...
Can I switch from Chlorine to Bromine without changing the water?
Yes, you can switch from Chlorine to Bromine without changing the water. You cannot switch from Bromine to Chlorine unless you do a complete drain and fill.
Which is better - Holiday Tender, or Floating Puck Dispenser?
It's really a user preference. Both do the same job and require the same user maintenance, ie. you have to ensure they are open 1 - 2 - or 3 slots. Note: The Holiday Tender slides into the Microfilter (Lily) basket rather than floating freely in the ...
What are the dimensions of the Filter Cleaning Canister?
Dimensions are 20 x 13 x 27". Weight is approximately 2.9 lbs.
I have a white bio-film almost like a skin on my water. What is it and how do I treat it?
This condition is a type of bio-film build-up in the pipes presenting as a white film or flakes. Generally caused by lack of maintenance. Draining may be required more than once depending on the severity of the problem. Step 1 - Shock the Tub and circulate...
Why is Beachcomber's Cleartech UVC Sterilization System so effective?
The Cleartech UVC system is an effective sterilizer and may reduce the amount of tradional water care products you need in a hot tub - but you will still need to add sanitizer.
Do I still need a chlorine or bromine residual in the water?
Yes, maintain a 3-5 ppm level of chlorine to act as a residual sanitizer and oxidizer.
Is Cleartech compatible with an ozone set-up ?
Yes, the two systems perform complimentary functions, the Cleartech as the sanitization, and the ozone as the oxidation.
Are there any harmful byproducts produced by the Cleartech system?
No, there are no harmful byproducts for bathers or for the environment. Cleartech is low maintenance and eco-friendly.
Does Cleartech work with Bromine?
Bromine does not have the same stabilizer as that of chlorine and will deplete quickly
Do I still need to balance my hot tub water?
Yes, balanced water is a base requirement for all water treatment programs to ensure safe, enjoyable water for bathers and also to protect the hot tub equipment.
What additional maintenance is required?
Aside from ensuring balanced water, the UVC bulb will need to be replaced approximately every 18 months. The protective quartz tube should also be cleaned at this time from scaling or residue.
What other water care products do I need for my hot tub?
Depending on the system you choose, you will need water balancers, a sanitizer, and an oxidizer.
Will Cleartech reduce the amount of chlorine I need to add to my hot tub?
Yes, the UVC system can help reduce chlorine consumption by up to 50%
Does Cleartech extend the life of my water?
Yes, Cleartech will help to lower overall TDS by reducing the amount of chlorine added to a hot tub and therefore extend the life of your water
Does Cleartech help reduce chloramine?
Cleartech focuses on sterilizing any bacteria or algae growth which frees the chlorine to oxidize any chloramines.
Do I still require chlorine ?
North American authorities require a minimum chlorine residual of 3-5 ppm to keep the water safe and sanitized.
Do I still need to 'shock' or 'boost' my hot tub?
Yes, boosting your hot tub helps oxidize all of the combined chlorines out of the water.
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