When you own a hot tub, there is a lot of emphasis put on the requirement to maintain clean, clear water. There are many reasons for this, most of all is the safety of those who will use your spa. To soak in a hot tub, it is important that the water isn’t too hot to be unsafe for you. While it is a nice temperature for soaking away aches and pains, it is not high enough to kill all bacteria that could live in there. This is where Beachcomber Hot Tubs water care comes into play.
From sanitizers to water balancers, we have every product you might need to ensure your water is safe for relaxing and enjoyable soaks. Avoid the risks of unclean water with the different hot tub water care options available.
Understanding the Risks
Hot tub water risks are completely avoidable with correct cleaning and management of your spa. It is still important to be aware of the potential issues that could occur:
Health Risks
Bacterial Infections
- Legionnaires’ disease
- Folliculitis ("hot tub rash”)
Eye and Ear Irritations
- Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
- Swimmer's ear (otitis externa)
Allergic Reactions
- Skin rashes or irritation from imbalanced pH or high chemical levels.
Equipment Risks
Clogged Filters
- Unclean water can lead to debris build-up in filters, reducing efficiency.
Corrosion or Damage to Components
- Imbalanced water chemistry (e.g., pH or alkalinity) can corrode hot tub components like pumps, heaters, and jets.
Shortened Lifespan of Equipment
- Poor water maintenance accelerates wear and tear.
Aesthetic Risks
Cloudy or Murky Water
- Unbalanced water leads to poor clarity, making the hot tub unappealing.
Foul Odors
- Unclean water can emit unpleasant smells due to bacteria or organic matter buildup.
Staining and Scaling
- Mineral deposits and organic residue can stain the hot tub shell and accessories.
Preventing the Risks
Every risk mentioned above is completely preventable with a full and regular water care maintenance plan. Beachcomber Hot Tubs have everything you need for this. From water sanitizers to pH balancers and conditioners, we make water care easy.
Using a sanitizer in you water kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is vital when you are using a hot tub, as it ensures that your water is safe for soaking. Whether you are soaking alone or with family and friends, keeping on top of your sanitization is of the utmost importance.
Beachcomber has two sanitizer options, depending on which suits you. The Chlor Tote contains a variety of chlorine-based products that quickly works against contaminants in your water. With regular use, you are guaranteed clean water.
The Bromo Tote has bromine-based products that are slower to work but kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi for a longer period. Whichever option you choose, be sure that Beachcomber’s hot tub water care products are sure to keep you safe.
When you use an oxidiser, you are removing organic contaminants, preventing cloudy water, and eliminating odors.
The Beachcomber Care Free Pack, when used together, helps to do this. The oxidizing components of Care Free, when used with Care Free Boost, to sanitize and condition your hot tub while being gentle on your skin.
Water Balancers
Having imbalanced pH in your hot tub water can lead to many issues such as skin irritation and equipment damage. Luckily, Beachcomber has a simple option – the Balance Tote.
This system has everything needed to balance mineral levels in your spa. It helps you maintain and control factors such as pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. When used alongside your sanitizing system, your water will be safe for use and will prevent any corrosion on your acrylic or features.
A key component to staying on top of your hot tub water care is having a proper filtration system. The Beachcomber Microfilter is a top of the range filter that runs quietly to prevent contaminants from remaining in your water. It is important to maintain your filter, and so the Microfilter Pro Kit is a necessary water care system to add to your collection.
When you have a well-functioning filter, there is a reduced chance of dirt building in your tub. This makes maintenance much easier and keeps your water safe for whoever is using it.
Test Strips
Knowing when to use these water care products is key. This is where the Beachcomber Test Strips come in. Simply dip a strip into your tub and read the results against your bottle. The different colours will indicate whether you need to add different products to your water. This is vital for ensuring you do not expose yourself or your hot tub to the risks mentioned above.
Owning a hot tub can be a risk-free investment if you know how to take care of it. Water care is a massively important part of maintaining your hot tub and your health. Avoid issues by setting a water care schedule and sticking to it. Shop our water care products online or in-store, and make every soak a luxury.