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Beachcomber Hot Tubs Blogs
Frequently Asked
Unlocking the Benefits of Hot Tubs and Cold Plunges
Health and wellness have become a huge focus in people’s lives in recent years. Because of this, individuals are researching new ways to boost their healthy living and create habits that help them. Water therapy, known as hydrotherapy, is growing more and more popular as a result. Using hot and cold water is shown to offer many health benefits...
Beachcomber FLEXJETS™ - Choosing the Perfect System
One of the greatest joys of owning a hot tub is the soothing massage experience that the various jet options provide. The warm, bubbling water combined with targeted jets creates a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation...
Beachcomber Hot Tubs Financing
A hot tub is an investment. It is something you add to your home to enhance your life, improve your health, and connect with the people you love. Beachcomber Hot Tubs are high-quality, Canadian hot tubs. Our spas feature customizable FLEXJETS™, ergonomic seating, and energy efficient filtration systems. Even better, we work closely with Financeit to offer...
Safety Tips for Pregnancy and Children in Hot Tubs
Hot tubs offer a relaxing escape, but safety should always be a priority. This is especially true for pregnant women and children. Let's dive into the dos and don’ts for pregnant women and hot tubs, and hot tub safety for your little ones! Elevated water temperatures can pose risks, making it crucial to understand...
The Importance of a Quality Hot Tub Cover
For many potential hot tub owners, the cost of heating and cleaning your hot tub can be something to worry about. That’s why a hot tub cover is a necessary addition to every at-home spa. When you purchase...
Choosing the right hot tub can feel daunting. Between different brands, makes, and models – the options are endless. We’re here to make your life easier. Should you decide to choose a Beachcomber Hot Tub, you will be faced with the choice between a HYBRID4® and LEEP™ model.
Essential Hot Tub Accessories for All Hot Tub Owners
For many new hot tub owners, it can be difficult to know what accessories you need to have to take your experience to the next level. We are here to answer these questions! Whether you are looking for ways to boost your relaxation or to make your hot tub the social hub, we know exactly...
Hot Tub Delivery and Installation
Many people worry about the delivery and installation of their new investment when purchasing a hot tub. Do they have to organise their own collection? Will they have to set up the...