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World Arthritis Day 2022: It's in your hands, take action.
Here at Beachcomber Hot Tubs, we have your back, wrists, ankles, and, basically, anywhere you feel discomfort as it’s no secret that soaking in warm water provides relief of joint pain and muscle soreness. Whether you experience chronic pain every day or simply look forward to a good soak...
Staying Healthy When You're Short On Time
When you’re so busy juggling so much and taking care of others, you often become your last priority. Staying fit and healthy doesn’t have to be a time-sink, or a total lifestyle reboot. Finding ways to modify and incorporate healthy choices into your daily routine is easier than you think, and we’ve got a few tips to help get you inspired!
Hot Tub Health: Achieving Mental Clarity
A hot tub is more than just a place for entertainment. For years now, research has shown that frequent hot tub use is a critical building block in sustaining a healthy, happy lifestyle, having a positive impact on your mental health and clarity - and all it takes is 15 minutes a day!
5 Water-Based Exercises You Can Master Inside Your Hot Tub
When it comes to workouts and hot tubs, most often you hear about the benefits of soaking in a hot tub before you start exercising or as a way to soothe your muscles after you finish. But what about the ways to work out inside a hot tub? Hot tubs shouldn't just be looked at as a place for socializing and having fun. They are also packed with tons of amazing health benefits, that offer a safe, low-impact environment for exercise.
Benefits of Water for the Mind
Beachcomber knows that life can be stressful; Beachcomber also knows that it doesn’t have to be. Time spent in the warm waters of a Beachcomber hot tub can work wonders on your state of mind, encouraging natural production of serotonin, for improved mood, and dopamine, for an improved sense of self.
Health Benefits of a Beachcomber Hot Tub
A Beachcomber Hot Tub is not only a great way to spend quality time with family and friends and unwind after a long day, studies have shown it also offers a number of mental and physical health benefits that can do wonders for improving your overall quality of life.
Your Key to Happiness? Hot Tub Mental Health Benefits Explained
It’s no secret that mental and physiological health are closely connected. This means that the routine daily stressors we encounter, do take a toll on our bodies and physical health. There are several options for relieving stress, but one of the best methods for a whole range of mental health benefits is the hydrotherapy approach.
Benefits Of Reflexology and Foot Massage
At the end of the day, there’s no part of our bodies that works harder or is more punished than our feet. When your feet are under stress, blood flow is limited. That’s why it’s so important to your health and happiness to give back to the muscles that keep you upright!
Hot Tub Meditation Guide
Meditation has been shown to cleanse and nourish from within. It can help you feel a sense of calm and clarity, and tackle whatever the day brings more effectively. Combining it with a soak in your Beachcomber Hot Tub® can do wonders for your body and mind.
Health Benefits of Working Out in Water
When it comes to workouts and soaking in a hot tub, you most often hear about the benefits of using it before or after an exercise session as a way to loosen and soothe tired muscles. But did you know a hot tub or pool itself offers a great space for getting in your daily workout, loaded with benefits not possible outside of it?