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Beachcomber Hot Tubs Blogs
Hot Tub Stargazing
Relaxing in your Beachcomber under a clear night sky is a phenomenal way to relieve stress and decompress. While soaking, it can be rewarding to look up and contemplate the constellations that make up our galaxy, testament to the power of the human imagination. Below are a few descriptions of some of the most popular constellations.
Health Benefits of a Beachcomber Hot Tub
A Beachcomber Hot Tub is not only a great way to spend quality time with family and friends and unwind after a long day, studies have shown it also offers a number of mental and physical health benefits that can do wonders for improving your overall quality of life.
Starting Up Your Hot Tub
Starting and filling a hot tub for the first time is exciting and following these simple best practices will make the rest of your hot tub start up go smoothly. We've created an easy to follow guide here for starting up your Beachcomber Hot Tub.
Your Key to Happiness? Hot Tub Mental Health Benefits Explained
It’s no secret that mental and physiological health are closely connected. This means that the routine daily stressors we encounter, do take a toll on our bodies and physical health. There are several options for relieving stress, but one of the best methods for a whole range of mental health benefits is the hydrotherapy approach.
Orange Shirt Day: An annual event inspired by a Girl who couldn’t wear hers.
Established in 2013, #OrangeShirtDay is an event designed to educate people and promote awareness about the Indian residential school system and the impact this system has on Indigenous communities in Canada.
Benefits Of Reflexology and Foot Massage
At the end of the day, there’s no part of our bodies that works harder or is more punished than our feet. When your feet are under stress, blood flow is limited. That’s why it’s so important to your health and happiness to give back to the muscles that keep you upright!
Ways to Lower your Chlorine Levels
Maintaining the proper chemical balance inside your hot tub is vital. Most hot tub owners subscribe to a chlorine-based sanitizing program to keep their hot tub water safe and clear. But what do you do if you start noticing a strong chemical smell in your hot tub?
Five Questions to Ask Before Buying a Hot Tub
Choosing a hot tub takes some consideration and planning, but the rewards will be long lasting with the right choice! If you’re considering the lifetime investment of a hot tub, ask yourself these five questions!
How a HEATSHIELD™ Saves You Money
Before the fast pace and burgeoning bills of the holidays, now is a great time to save money. Plus, you need a hot tub cover to seal in heat during the cooler months, so it’s worth remembering how critical your cover choice is to energy efficiency and cost savings.
Outdoor Decorating Tips For Fall
Just because it’s a little colder outside doesn’t mean it’s time to shut the door on your backyard and wait for spring! Fall is a spectacular time of the year to enjoy your outdoor living space. So what’s the best way to accessorize your space for fall? Here’s a few easy ways to create the perfect autumn atmosphere!