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Beachcomber Hot Tubs Blogs
Best Practices for Winterizing Your Hot Tub
As winter approaches, it’s important to think about preparing your hot tub. Whether you will be using it to escape the chilly temperatures, or shutting it down for the winter months, you will need to carry out some hot tub care. Without proper winterization and preparation, your hot tub could require costly...
A Personal Sanctuary for the Mind
The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community”. In recent years, the number of people who are suffering...
Why Beachcomber: Multi-Level Seating
Comfort for everyone. That’s what Beachcomber Hot Tubs strives for with every hot tub series and model. Whether you are short or tall, young or old, we want every person who sits in our hot tubs to soak in the unparalleled...
How to Drain & Fill Your Beachcomber Hot Tub
Winter is on its way, and now is the perfect opportunity to give your hot tub a deep clean before a busy soaking season! Doing this now will help you get through the next 3-4 months without having to drain and fill your hot tub when you and your family want to hop in and enjoy the perfect...
Immerse Yourself in Wellness and Relaxation
Chronic pain is defined as “pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment” (NHS Inform). Approximately 8 million Canadians suffer with chronic pain, according to Pain Canada, with the pain affecting both physical and mental health. Those who...
Choosing A Hot Tub: Three Factors to Consider
A hot tub isn’t a one-size-fits-all product. The different options and models available offer a variety of functions depending on your needs. When choosing a hot tub, you need to consider what you are going to use the hot tub for...
A Lifetime of Relaxation
One of the greatest things about a Beachcomber Hot Tub is the longevity of the product. When you combine the finest quality materials, leading-edge technology, and easy to use water care, our hot tubs are known to last. This means that once you own a Beachcomber, you are...
Why Beachcomber: Ease of Maintenance
With Beachcomber Hot Tubs, beautiful, clear water is made easy. When considering a hot tub, people often worry about how much time they will have to take to keep up with maintenance of keeping the water clean and ready to enjoy. Beachcomber have...
A Hot Tub for a Healthy Glow
Our skin goes through a lot. It is exposed to the elements every day, it gets covered in makeup or creams, and is affected by the things we consume. This makes it very important that we care for it as best we can, whether it’s through what we consume or the products we use to clean...
Why Beachcomber: Leading-Edge Technology
A major selling point for Beachcomber Hot Tubs is the leading-edge technology that is found across the different models. This smart technology helps to elevate the customer experience, from the power to control your hot tub to energy-saving...